Friday, July 26, 2024

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eHealthRecord enables the collection of physician related information. The following are some of the easy to use physician-related features you will find in eHealthRecord:

  Demographics Organize all your physician related information from contact data to their National Provider ID.
  New Physicians Easily add new physicians, practices, and facilities to eHealthRecord.
  Notes Document all your physician communication in an easy to use notes module.
  Specialties Set names for your physician’s specialties.
  Status Codes Set and assign practice specific status codes for physicians.
  Reports A variety of pre-designed queries are built into eHealthRecord so you can easily access and analyze your physician related data. These reports include everything from Available Physicians, to Referrals by Physician, to Appointments by Physician.

The physician screen allows you to store physician information from contact to pledge data. You can enter a physician's NPI number, link the physician to a Group/Practice, select their specialty, and enter their pledge. Pledges can be entered as an annual, quarterly or monthly interval so that you can meet the needs of your physicians.

Through the Groups screen you can collect contact information about practices or groups participating in your program. Once you have linked a physician with a practice on the Physicians screen they will appear on the Groups screen so you can easily see which physicians are part of the practice.

The Physician Notes screen allows you to track all communication with your physicians as well as store general notes you would like tied with an individual physician. Only users with a Practice Administrator security level will be able to view these notes.

The Physician section of the reports module contains a variety of reports designed to help you quickly analyze physician pledges, physician contact information, and available referrals. Additional physician reports are included in the Appointments and Referrals sections of the reports module.

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