Sunday, January 19, 2025

CaresAccess Features: Referral & Pledge Management

Getting patients in need to volunteer physicians is the core of Project Access. With CaresAccess you can enter physician pledges and link patients to these physicians through a the referral feature. CaresAccess automatically decrements a physician's pledge amount each time they accept a new patient referral. This allows your community to maintain an equitable distribution of referrals to your volunteer physicians. The following are some of the easy to use features you will find in CaresAccess:

Rotating Referrals As a physician accepts a referral, their name rotates to the bottom of the list creating an equitable distribution of resources.
Physician Search Search physicians by Specialty and easily sort by Name, Practice, or Referral Date.
Automatic Pledge Decrease When you refer a patient to a physician, the physician’s pledge amount automatically decreases.
Completed Pledges A physician’s name will automatically be removed from the referral list once their pledges for the month, quarter, or year have been completed.
Annual Pledge History Review a physician’s pledge history from previous years by simply selecting a year.
Referral History You can easily view a patient’s referral history to see how they are utilizing program resources.
Reports A variety of pre-designed queries are built into CaresAccess so you can easily access and analyze referrals and pledges. These reports include everything from information on physicians who have completed their pledge to specific patient referrals accepted by physicians and practices.

Tracking physician pledges and available resources are at the heart of creating equitable distribution of services. On the physicians screen you can easily enter a physician's pledges in an increment they prefer (annually, quarterly, or monthly). If a physician pledges 2 patients per month, as they meet this goal each month their name is removed from the available physicians list and added with the next month begins.

Patients are linked to volunteer physicians and resources on the Referrals screen. When a patient has been identified as needing a certain type of specialty service you can easily obtain a list of all available physicians in that specialty. Physicians are listed in order of their last referral. If a physician has just accepted a referral for a Project Access patient their name will appear at the bottom of the list. You can also arrange the list by physician name or practice name.

Many patients who utilize your programs services may require referrals to more than one physician or specialty. To create efficiency and ease for referral staff, CaresAccess has a Referral Urgency screen where you can easily list the specialties and assign an urgency level.

A variety of reports have been created to help your community analyze referrals to extrapolate trends as well as ensure patients are getting where they need to be and physicians' pledges are being respected.

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